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Common Lizard of the British Isles

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(Lichtenstein 1823) (Lichtenstein 1823)
Squamata - Lacertidae Squamata - Lacertidae
Common Lizard- Zootoca Vivipara Common Lizard- Zootoca Vivipara

(Lichtenstein 1823) (Lichtenstein 1823)
Squamata - Lacertidae Squamata - Lacertidae
Common Lizard- Zootoca Vivipara Common Lizard- Zootoca Vivipara

UK Status:       Resident

Distribution: This lizard is

Body Length: 50mm to 70mm.

Habitat: This species inhabits swamps, meadows and damp environments. They spend most of its ground, though occasionally climbs onto higher points in it's environment Often seen on wooden benches and logs basking in the sun.  Larger males tend to produce more off spring than smaller males. Being cold blooded they get most of their body heat from the sun. In colder weather they are known to hibernate. sometimes from September through to March.

To be Seen From: Late February, early March through to September, or early October.

Food  Source: Being carnivorous this lizard insects and spiders, flies constituting a large part of their diet.

Similar Species: This Lizard is found throughout the British Isles.

(Lichtenstein 1823) (Lichtenstein 1823) (Lichtenstein 1823) (Lichtenstein 1823)
Squamata - Lacertidae Squamata - Lacertidae Squamata - Lacertidae Squamata - Lacertidae
Common Lizard- Zootoca Vivipara Common Lizard- Zootoca Vivipara Common Lizard- Zootoca Vivipara Common Lizard- Zootoca Vivipara



Local Ebird Hotspot - Woodhall Lake, West Yorkshire

Local Ebird Hotspot - Yeadon Tarn, West Yorkshire             Next Habitats

Contact Website Manager  dave.hatton29@btinternet.com

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